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How many bookings

But what is the number of bookings? Any booking can (and will very often) comprise more nights than just one. Some guests book again in the same year.

Number of room nights

Almost all calculations are based on the occupancy rate: This is the number of rooms occupied in a certain period as a percentage of the total available rooms (the capacity, the inventory).
The occupancy rate page indicates:

  • Weekends and the leisure target group: 50% occupancy rate of 15,600 room nights, so 7,826
  • Weekdays and the business target group: 50% occupancy rate of 20,800 room nights, so 10,374
  • On average 50% occupancy rate of 36,400 room nights (100 rooms x 7 nights times 52 weeks)

Total guest night

As seen in Leisure targetgroup and Business targetgroup:

  • Weekend days: 13,304 guest nights; 56% of all guest nights
  • Weekdays: 10,374 guest nights; 44% of all guest nights
  • Total 23,678 guest nights: 100%

Most guests are leisure guests.

Estimating the bookings

There is no record on this. Any booking can (and will very often) comprises more nights then just one. If we have, for instance, on average 3 nights per booking for the leisure market and 2 for the business, the real number of bookings could be:

  • Weekends and the leisure target group: 7,826 ./. 3 = 2,608 bookings: total 7,795 bookings, so 33% of all bookings
  • Weekdays and the business target group: 10,374 ./. 2 = 5,187 bookings: total 7,795 bookings, so 67% of all bookings

Keep in mind that calculations are never 'perfect': There is always a difference caused by cancellations, whether refunds are allowed, double bookings, short stays etc. There are no numbers on record for this. This altogether might change expected revenues by a few percentage points, linked to the occupancy rate.


The number of bookings is important because of:

  • Reservation systems
  • Costs related to a booking
  • Database of guests

Number of guests

For all kinds of other reasons, the actual number of people, guests, is important.

  • Weekend days and the leisure target group, we have 2,608 bookings. Each booking consists of an average of 1,7 people. So, in a year 4,433 guests.
  • Weekdays and the business target group, we have 5,187 bookings. Each booking consists of an average of 1.0 peoples. So, in a year 5,187 guests.

So per year 9,620 guests (some visit the hotel two or three times a year); 46% leisure (weekend days) and 54% business guests (weekdays).

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