C Promotional video

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Name of assignment

Create a promotional video.


The Emerald Forest Hotel never had a good promotional video for its customers. The website is somewhat outdated does not contain any video and - until now - mainly photo's have been used. The same goes for social media use: only pictures but no videos.


A promotional video can convince potential customers to book the hotel in it's new setting. Next to this, it should inform potential customers about the new strategy and on what the hotel offers. The video should be usable on the website, on YouTube and other media channels.

Task, deliverable

Make a video to promote your hotel:

  • The video should be posted on YouTube, visible to all and with a proper name, tags and description;
  • It should be no longer than 60 seconds;
  • The content should make clear why your hotel is a good choice; stay in line with your strategy and new image;
  • The video can be targeted only at the business market or the leisure market;
  • Beware of copyrights: IP (music, images etc.)!;
  • It should contain a call-to-action

This assignment is not about the "best editing" of the video, although you should try to make it acceptable. You can use software of your choice. Carefully read the possibilities and conditions of the chosen software to prevent that, for instance, the software doesn't complete the whole job; e.g. doesn't render after the production, or just processes the first 30 seconds.
In (most) video software the file created with the software is only small in size and refers (!) to separate files (which you cannot just drag to another folder). It only 'creates' a video after 'rendering', which actually produces the video from its underlying components (e.g. MP4, with a large size in MB's).

Upload your video to YouTube and copy the link to be video, be sure it is 'public', so the links work for anyone. Put the link in your Team File in cel xxx.

Assessed elements

  • Is the promotional video posted in the right way?
  • Does the promotional video reflect the strategy in a proper way?
  • From perspective of a (potential) customer: is the promotional video interesting?
  • Is the call-to-action realistic and feasible?
  • All all the sources accounted for?

Additional information

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Emerald Forest Hotel offering an emerald hotel experience! | Run your own hotel in this management simulation.