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The Team File, with a private login link, is crucial to your team in running the hotel. In this Team File you will find four tabs:

  • Tab Year 0 where you do all your Strategic choices, introduce your hotel, strategy etc.
  • Tab Year 1-2-3-4 where you take your decisions each year and give explanations each year, after your Strategic choices in Year 0.
  • Tab Dashboard where you can find an overview of the most important financial results.
  • Tab Results where you find an operating review and all details on results and costs after each year.

After a year has passed, the new dashboard and the results will only be visible after releasing by your coach.
There is an Example Team File you can check, with a completed Team File after the end of a Game.
Each competition is set-up in a specific way: so check your competition's assignment and timeline for details.
You will see some 'locked' symbols on the tabs of your Team File: don't worry. On the tabs year 0 and tab year 1-2-3-4 you can edit in the indicated cells. Do be careful in handling the file, it is a spreadsheet.
The tabs Dashboard and Results you can never edit.

Team File tabs Emerald Forest Hotel

Elements in your dashboard

The dashboard reflects the most important financial figures in any year, linked to your results. It is an interpretation and visualization of the numbers on the tab 'Results'.

In the beginning, obviously, the charts on the dashboard do not show much information, as just one year has passed. Over the years, the charts will start showing interesting developments.
Your dashboard consists of Coach Comment per year and 9 charts.

Coach comments

On top of the dashboard, you will find some basic information per year provided by your coach. Just a few lines, but very important. The coach assesses the quality of your decisions, your motivation, and calculations. This is a very important variable in the provision of your occupancy rate. The Coach Comment gives you an impression of how your team is doing. More on this on the page Coach comment.

Feedback on your work each year, by your coach

Nine Charts

These charts visualize your teams decision and results. We have a look at all nine.

Chart 1: Sales prices and chosen costs of Management Team decisions

Gives you an overview of the choices your hotel has made over the years. The Management Team costs (so your 5 decisions on costs to be made) are * € 10,000, to make them fit within the graph. You can see the trend in your decisions, comparing price developments and costs developments.

Dashboard chart 1. Sales prices and chosen costs to be made, example after three year

Chart 2: Hotel occupancy rate (in %)

All revenues start with your occupancy rate. The starting point, as you take over the hotel, is 50%, the benchmark would be between 60-70%. Top hotels perform above 70% occupancy rate. You can compare your results to the top hotels and benchmarks.

Dashboard chart 2. Hotel occupancy rate (in %)

Chart 3: Net profit index

Year 0 is set at 100 (index) which represents € 436,301. All following years are indexed in relation to Year 0. This gives you an indication of how your hotel is doing, compared to historic results. In the example, Year 2 scores 60: so this year the net profit was only 60% of the profit the starting year, the history with a profit of € 431.301.

Dashboard chart 3. Net profit index

Chart 4: Each year's profit in total net profit

All your hotel's profit is summed (tab Results, on row 70). This graph reflects the contribution of each year's profit in the total. It shows the importance of the past year. In the example, year 2 did not contribute much, year 0, year 3 and 4 have an almost equal contribution.

Dashboard chart 4. Each year's profit in total net profit

Chart 5: Net profit this year total profit all years

Another graph showing the profit (or loss) per year plus the total profit until this year. In green, the net profit in any year, and in blue the total of the profit added up over all passed years.

Dashboard chart 5. Net profit this year total profit all years, example until year 3

Chart 6: Revenues - costs - profit per year

Showing the total revenues per year, the total costs per year and the total profit per year. The green column reflects the total of the revenues, the brown column (with red line) the total of the costs. This leaves the orange column being the profit in any year. In year 2, the total revenues have dropped a bit, but the costs as well. So, the profit is higher than in year 1.

Dashboard chart 6. Revenues - costs - profit per year, example until year 3

Chart 7: Contribution per category in year's revenues

Here you can see the most important contributors to your hotel's revenues. In the example, you can see that the most volatility is found in the revenues from Rooms on weekdays. Overall, the contribution of banqueting & other is stable (approx. 11%).

Dashboard chart 7. Contribution per category in year's revenues

Chart 8: Business rank (based on total net profit)

All teams start with the same situation. After Year 1 there is a Business ranking. All the following years the profit is summed, giving your hotel a position in your city.

Dashboard chart 8. Business rank (on total net profit)

Chart 9: Creativity rank

After Year 1 there is a ranking on creativity, during the following years the results are 'summed,' giving your hotel a position in your city.

Dashboard chart 9. Rank on creativity (average over the years)

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