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Sometimes things don't work out

The coaches will only refer to this page, if there is a problem. So there seems to be a problem, somewhere on line. That is too bad. But, unfortunately guests have no real compassion for this. So you will just have to go on with your hotel as good as you can. Waiting and doing nothing is no solution.

  • Did you look on this platform for solutions, and did you check the Facebook group and the WhatsApp group (if active)?
  • Secondly there are your coaches: they can help you out and give you tips.
  • In the third place, there is the emergency file you might find more instructions on how to act in there. If the problem is very widespread it could also mean that this file is also inaccessible.

More info

We will keep you informed: in the meantime think about what the management would do in situation like this.

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Emerald Forest Hotel offer an emerald hotel experience! | Run your own hotel in this management simulation.