Market research
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All results
The results of your hotel will be made automatically by the accountant. You just have to analyse them, you do not have to calculate them yourselves apart from predictions linked to new costs and team decisions you make. After each year they will be ready for you via your secret Team File link.
Your results presented there will be divided into three parts:
- Section operating review: which you will find on the operating review page with all your revenues and costs resulting in your net profit (or loss).
- The section with your personal key metrics.
- Section Market research, if paid for in advance. We will focus on this now.
Who is offering
The market intelligence is offered by Top Research. Top Research is a commercial company which offers you this opportunity every year
The choice to buy the market analysis is one of the Year 1-2-3-4 decisions a team makes every year. You can choose a 'S', small package, or a 'L', large package.
Good information is valuable, but you have to decide if it is worth the costs. The two different market information packages are explained on their company page.
You have to decide if the services offered by Top Research contribute enough to your insights so that the costs will also lead to more revenues (or rather profit). So have a look at the ROI. At the beginning of each year you make the decision for the year to come: choosing for Top Research means that the costs will in this year be visible at row 37 directly in your operating reviews as costs of team decisions.
If paid for, starting at row 83 the information will be visible at the end of the year. This information can then help you to make better decisions for the year to come.
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