City name

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Name of your city

When you take over the real Emerald Forest Hotel, your hotel will be in a so-called city. All information on the city the original hotel is located in, to be found on the page City. During the Game play, your hotel is situated in a fictitious city. All these fictitious cities are 'a copy' of the original city, Amstelburg. Your (direct) competitor are only the other hotels in your city: so probably 7 to 12 hotels. Each city has its' own name. The characteristics of all the cities are all the same as you take over the hotel, the page city gives some basic info on this.
The names used are: Amstelburg after Amstelburg the cities will be called:

  • Budano
  • Copenstadt
  • Dreskovski
  • Efemada
  • Falkoni
  • Geopodo
  • Hadique
  • Il Pocos
  • Jinanang
  • Kingsglade
  • La Palz
  • Monopido
  • Nivodobirka

Team number

When you take over the hotel, you will get a Team number; this number reflects the city you are in, and your unique number.
The letter is the first letter of the city, the following number is the team number.
So, B03 will be in the city of Budano team number 01, and H01 in the city of Hadique team number 01

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. . . Emerald Forest Hotel offer an emerald hotel experience! Run your own hotel in this management simulation . . .