Real situation
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Too much information
This platform contains all the information about the hotel and other elements you need and more. You can navigate to the information needed. There just is too much, just like in real life. So only look for information needed. All blue links are clickable and will bring you to another page inside of this platform. For instance, clicking on Photos and videos will jump to this page with photos and videos of the hotel. All blue links with a small arrow will open a new tab in your browser with an internet site outside of this platform: for instance
- Hotel trends 2019 or
- more hotel trends in 2019 or
- especially online trends
- reports on hotel industry
- reports from Deloitte, downloadable
Do use real sources and benchmarks in all of your assignments and decisions, like:
- Local information, as your hotel is located in the country you are in, so in the Netherlands.
- An indication of costs on inventory etc. The costs of equipment and furniture buy in hospitality totally different from what you would buy privately (at the Ikea): realize that. There is standards of safety, usability, hard-wearing, cleaning, safety and many other reasons to buy professional material. A good starting point for as an example of the cost of hotel 'equipment', you can find in this guide:
This gives an overview of costs related to renovating the rooms.
Do not focus too much on details and use guidelines. Then again, if you invest in refurbishing or redecorating rooms, this will be automatically depreciated in four years. Do not focus too much on details: the file does give you some indication of what costs might be. Try to be realistic, how much things do cost, depend on so many things and is not easy to answer. And don't be penny-wise and pound foolish!
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