11NL Example teampage

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This is an EXAMPLE of a filled-in team page. You can copy some technical examples from here after clicking the edit tab if you like. You can of course, NOT edit THIS page; you can only edit your own team page. But you can copy and past parts, if needed. Your team page should give Christina Bergman, the coaches and your colleagues an overview of the strategic plans for your hotel. So the team page is for INTERNAL communication on strategy. All EXTERNAL communication to your customers (your actions, photo's, campaigns, actions, messages, videos) should be posted on your hotel's Facebook or Twitter page (or other internet media). All your decisions and explanations are to be done in your teamsheet, which is private and for your team only.
Be sure to post all links to social media, like your Facebook and Twitter page and maybe your hotels' website etc. on your team page! Referring to sources or examples on the internet makes your strategy much stronger (we faked that in this example)!
Take into account that this example-page is not the "perfect" team page, it just gives you an idea. It does NOT contain a consistent strategy, which is your biggest challenge...
Be sure to bring down the size of pictures or photo's used to 150kb. Check shrinking pictures.

Check the videos help files on working on your teampage:
Help:How to edit your teampage | Help:How to upload a photo | Help:How to make links

Hotel GlobeSpark

The new name of our hotel is Hotel "GlobeSpark".
Because the concept of the new hotel is to create an environment that represents the globe and its continents, we added the word "globe" to our new name. The word "sparks" symbolizes luxury and we will also provide the best that each continent has. The word "spark (see [1])" will be a symbol for that too.
The Globe is an amazing formation with incredible beauty all around and this is why it sparkles. The name is international and not specifically linked to a country or region. We checked the internet for Hotel names which are alike and we did not find (see [2]) any.....etcetera.....

The new hotel management

We proudly present Hotel GlobeSpark's new management team:

Management 01EU-A02

Hotel GlobeSpark's new management team consists of
(From left to right):

  • Silviya Dragomirova Nikolava.
    • Her position is.... Her tasks are ....... Her strong points are .....
  • Aiste Balandyte
    • Her position is.... Her tasks are ....... Her strong points are .....
  • Ieva Stipniece
    • Her position is.... Her tasks are ....... Her strong points are .....

New hotel logo explained

Our new logo is:

Logo 01EU-A02

The logo shows the Globe with the stars in it showing that it sparkles. The idea of a sparkling globe is written above. It also has a name written underneath: this is the name of our hotel and it glows too. Four little stars on the right show how many stars our hotel has been awarded. So the logo holds the name of the hotel which gives it more commercial value. It also represents our hotel's core values and strategic plans of our hotel and is suitable for both the leisure and business markets.
We think, overall, that customers will have a positive association when seeing the logo because .....etcetera.....

New slogan

Our new slogan is:

Come to the sparkling world!

We think this slogan represents our hotel very well. The globe is full of sparkling things (in our concept these are cultural and specific things that represent region and/or country) and ideas that our guests might have while staying with us - mainly business people who come to rest and/or work (source business man need rest). Guests can find all of that at Hotel "GlobeSpark" .....etcetera.....

....Just an example of putting in anther photo if needed. If you do want to do so copy the photo link, paste in in the edit section of your teampage this and change the teamname (A00) and the subject. After saving you can click on the red link in the on page. Then be sure to upload a picture which is .jpg and not too big or heavy (100kb max).

Text possible here

Social media and internet

Just to show some examples: you do not have to do all this exactly as we have or use ALL the social media! Check what is suitable for your hotel!
But all hotels MUST have a Facebook page! Be sure that the accounts are open and visible to all!

Facebook is for communicating new deals and offers to potential customers (source Facebook perfect for hotels) as well as to our loyal customers who are already friends with us. It is a place where we will upload our pictures and guests can tag us in their photos. It promotes personal communication and relationships, guests can feel closer to it. We also create events in there alongside informing customers via our official website. Facebook always shows the upcoming events so that customers can be more aware about events that we are organizing. Guests can ask questions and leave references. We also offer our merchandise through our Facebook page.

Our twitter account is used to communicate in an fast and interactive way with our clients. This is a channel where we provide information about "hot" deals, about special offers, about future plans. We are making an interactive "games" by asking questions or asking people to like our pages and retweeting the tweets and for that, we offer good prizes (see [3]). We are connecting twitter with our Facebook page and, in the future, we will also connect to was LinkedIn. As well as our main target is business people and LinkedIn therefore will be the best place to reach them. But at this point our company is concentrating on Twitter, our homepage and Facebook.

Our website is the basic element on the internet all traffic coming from the social media should end up here. In this spot we have information about the hotel as well as the ability to make a reservation, check prices and check availability .....etcetera.....

New strategy

Financial goals
Achieving 10% more revenue within the first four years by .....etcetera.....
Keeping the net profit at the same level as it was on taking over, but renewing the hotel and .....etcetera.....

Becoming one of the leaders in our city by gaining at least 20% of the overall market share within two years.

Specific marketing goals
Establish collaboration with at least 10 schools, institutions and science centers which will bring a connection to the leisure market and so .....etcetera.....

In the business target group we want to establish a spontaneous recognition rate of 60% within four years.

Customers satisfaction goals
Our main goal is to keep our customers satisfied and increase customer loyalty (as defined in [5]) by 10% by .....etcetera.....,

Ensure the best quality service and make customers feel welcomed in our hotel, aiming for an average review mark of at least 8 out of 10. We want an overall loyalty rate in both markets of of 25% and .....etcetera.....
We want to improve two way communication with our clients and get some beneficial feedback from them to make their stay at the hotel optimum. .....etcetera.....

Nowadays people are often very busy and in a rush. Therefore our aim and mission is to create an innovative and inspiring environment that will allow to our guests to choose the spot on the globe where they want to rest - it could be Africa, Asia, Europe or another corner of the world. It will save money and time usually spent travelling to many different countries. Instead we will ensure the maximum diversity that one can experience visiting one hotel.

The interior is fancy, stylish and modern. It is a place where one can experience creativity, variety and to gain aesthetic pleasure. It is for both an inspiring working environment and for great pleasure and vacations. Room and banqueting prices
Our price strategy is to offer rooms that cost more than the average price in the market as our hotel is in the “luxury” segment with four stars, but we do not intend to make an “over fancy” hotel. We will keep it luxurious but also accessible to the middle level. Therefore the prices for rooms and banqueting are not overrated but made appealing to a bigger segment (source research banqueting good for hotels imago). Food and beverages: food prices will differ a bit more as we are offering food from different countries and in order to ensure the quality of that diversity we need good cooks and there will be more expenses for the variety of food we offer. As we concentrate more on business guests they are more willing to pay for good quality food.

Weekends and weekdays

We are going to focus on the weekdays more but will not forget about filling in the weekends. In addition, we are going to provide banqueting (mainly seminars, conferences and a place for celebration for example, weddings and family festivities and others).

Sales executives
Within the business people targetgroup we are looking for guests who enjoy the highest level of services willingly provided by our hard-working staff. We gave them the lable sales executives.
We offer them fully equipped meeting rooms, and also catering of different sizes. Furthermore we use our image to be remembered for our uniqueness (see [6]) and diversity and can also offer gifts which we send home to guest's families. In the next 10 years we want to attract customers from the biggest international companies while also keeping our customers from middle-sized entities.

Inspired families
Within the leisure targetgroup we want to be different and have inspiring styles and images which we transmit to give insights in cultures from other continents are, of course. We especially aim for families with an reasonable income, and couples looking for a (long) weekend for instance as a city break. We are not aiming at high-heel guests but do not look for too much price oriented guests. We have called this group the inspired families. etc.....
We will create several special packages they are interested in. Young adults, for example, are often interested in our Ice-bar, which is made out of ice and where they even can drink shots served in large ice-cubes.

Our service is for people with an average to higher income; we want to slowly raise the price because we are improving the hotel every year to also attract high income customers.

Just an example of a numbered list, if needed:

  1. customer 01
  2. customer 02
  3. customer 03



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