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From Emerald Forest Hotel
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→ Go! Running competition

Word of welcome by Christina Bergman, former owner of the Emerald Forest Hotel.

"I would kindly like to welcome you all to this simulation, which is much more then just 'a game'! My name is Christina Bergman: my family and I used to run the Emerald Forest Hotel, a nice and cozy hotel with 100 rooms. In fact, we still own 50% of the hotel, but we are in urgent need of new management insights! This platform and several social media sites will support you as the new management team with over 3,963 pages in running my hotel. So, don't get killed by information and stay focused. You, as well as a number of other management teams, have the unique opportunity to show you can do better than we did in recent years. All your private financial and marketing information will not visible to other teams. I will surely keep an eye on you, through social media, the coaches etc. for I am still an active member of the Board of Directors. I wish you all lots of success in achieving profit and in your creativity!"

Want to see the promo video? Check promo Emerald Forest Hotel or check all management teams ever running my hotel in all concepts.

Hello management teams in Karlsruhe

Your competition will start in a few weeks. We are preparing your game right now. You can check out the platform, just remember that we will inform you here when all is totally ready and set in your competition Game 15DE home


This platform in the central element on the content and assignments in the management game EmeraldForestHotel.
At this moment there is no competition running, we are preparing for the competitions to come.
To get an idea on the simulation: have a look at

Competitions to come

The competitions to come are planned in:

  • Tallinn (Estonia) spring 2016
  • Karlsruhe (Germany) February 2016
  • Birmingham (UK) spring 2016
  • Breda (Netherlands) April 2016
  • Venice (Italy), Wroclaw (Poland) still unknown.

Competition in Breda, the Netherlands, has ended

We finished the Game 10NL students of FBTR, NHTV Breda (the Netherlands) after an exciting competition.
Best performing teams (congratulations):

Greetings from FBTR-NHTV Breda
Photos of the finals at FBTR-NHTV Breda 2015 [1]

Why should should you join?

The Emerald Forest is a unique simulation, offering the opportunity to work on (business) management skills in a modern, attractive way, completely online way. The simulation is much more then just this platform and has been played by more than 3.000 participants.
The management skills to demonstrate focus on:

  • creativity, commercial calculating, managerial capacities and promotional skills.

The Emerald Forest Hotel is an international management simulation and is also set in an attractive competition based on profit and on creativity. Interested? Learn more! or check what other teams have done so far!.

All new hotel concepts

All of the new concepts which have been worked out by the participants from over 20 countries during this management simulation are listed on the page all new hotel concepts. From there you can click to any new hotel and it's total achievements and presentation.
Read the interesting blog post explaining the structure TravelNext of the Emerald Forest and gamification: sorry it is in Dutch.

Reports on the project

The simulation is used in different situations: it can be linked to traditional education, to coaching or training. Check the videos for an overview, filmed by participants.

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Video impressions of a competition
European competition in Valmiera, June 2012

Goals of this simulation

Teams are assigned to manage the hotel and keep it commercially and financially healthy, keep it independent and to show their vision on how to run a company like this. This platform is the central place in the management game.

In this platform the game will be supported in many different ways, teams will make their decisions here, store files and work with Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, and Google Earth, discuss with others, discuss with their coaches or get advice from teams in other competitions or from entrepreneurs.
This platform will support participants in all aspects of the Management Game Emerald Forest Hotel.

  • all information and communication from the market and other teams.
  • all teams will make their decisions here
  • all results are to be found here as well
  • this game is Web 2.0 powered: as far as possible everything will be embedded here.

Emerald Forest Hotel is a nice hotel with lots of potential, as you can find out on his platform. Interested as an entrepreneur? Have a look at the Entrepreneurs section.

EU project

This platform supports the Emerald Forest Hotel simulation. The very first competition was the final of the EU Lifelong Learning Program. The purpose of this project is to bring (small) enterprises and education together. All details on this project can be found in EU info on the whole project.

Logo LLL emeraldforesthotel.jpg

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The partners in this project are:

Release and copyrights

If you are a participant in the simulation, be sure to read the page disclaimer. Be sure when working on this game that whatever you post, you have the right to post that specific picture, photo, video or text without infringing anyone's copyrights. The website is actively monitored but as the entire game is an ongoing real time process it is hard to oversee all of the changes and all of the impacts. All postings are, for that matter, the individual responsibility of the editor of that specific piece of content.
If, by any means, you ended up in this website and think that the content offends your rights in any way, please contact us and we will respond. The entirety of this content is published under Creative Commons license. For details check the page copyright on this platform.


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Emerald Forest Hotel offering an emerald hotel experience! | Run your own hotel in this management simulation.