
From Emerald Forest Hotel
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The Emerald Forest Hotel is a simulation of a hotel, as realistic as possible. We call it real virtuality: it is as realistic as it gets, therefor we have been a nominee for the HSMAI awards (on innovation).


Over the last eight years, we have built on the total of the storyline, here on the platform and elsewhere; making it more engaging than ever. The game will be used in different countries over Europe: Antwerp, Tallinn, Karlsruhe, Birmingham, Bruxelles, Antwerp, Liverpool, Ingolstadt and Breda. So far, nearly 19.000 students from very different universities of applied science have joined the game, as well as a number of companies. We are looking for an (international) hotel organization to get engaged in this simulation. The game is not only this platform, but a website, deliberately a crappy one, all (relevant) social media), a very big account on Flickr which will show you the hotel and many images from engaged participants.

Wrap up of a competition in the Netherlands, Breda

Just to get a feeling for the simulation, check the video.

Short video recap of competition 21NL in Breda :

Below please find some pictures of the final of this competition:

21NL final Emerald Forest Hotel

What can we offer?

  • Interesting contact with a large number of international students who will enter the tourism and hospitality market in the years to come.
  • Displaying your logo in a number of our channels.
  • A strong boost to your brand awareness among the participants, their friends, peers and relatives.
  • Maybe adding some content and comment on the content of the game.
  • A visit to the game at the opening, maybe during the Trade Fair and/or at the finals.
  • Maybe picking up some interesting thoughts from these young professionals.
  • Some insights into the way young professionals use social media related to hotels.

What are we looking for?

  • A long-time cooperation in which your company would give away some prizes to the best teams. Per competition we have a winning team on creativity and one on profit. Each holding approx. 4 members.
  • And - or any other suggestion from your site.
  • Or maybe you see some possibilities to run the simulation in your own chain as well?

Please feel free to browse the pages of this platform (over 3,963) and see for yourself.


Please contact us via social media or emeraldforesthotel at gmail dot com

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Emerald Forest Hotel offering an emerald hotel experience! | Run your own hotel in this management simulation.