
From Emerald Forest Hotel
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→ Go! Game Main page | Category:Hotel info
→ Go! Running competition


Help videos on the Platform

Keep in mind that the platform is changing all the time: so the videos give an impression on how things work and what to expect. The actual situation as you join the competition might look a bit different.

Help videos on the secure section

Keep in mind that the platform is changing all the time: so the videos give an impression on how things work and what to expect. The actual situation as you join the competition might look a bit different.

More specific pages with info on the hotel

If you need information on the hotels photos, videos, financial or marketing information try the page Category:Hotel info. You can also use All finished games for this: and check how other teams have solved things.


More questions? Please check with your coach


If the above doesn't help you, use the shoutbox (only visible after login). The coaches will try be react quickly, but this is still an experiment.

To practice the Sandbox

There is a Sandbox to practice: accessible to all to test etc.