
From Emerald Forest Hotel
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What does the hotel look like?

To see what the hotel looks like, there are eight pages:
→ Go! Rooms | Reception | Restaurant | Outside hotel | Banqueting | Facilities | Park | Terrace

The excellent Hotel cost estimating guide 2020 of JN + A and HVS design gives you information on the cost of upgrading elements in the hotel. Or use horwathhtl to get an idea. Check to get a grip on costs of new investments. Feel free to use another guide, if that is more appropriate for your hotel. Do not get lost in too many details: rather thinks in hundreds and in thousands of euro's.

The park surrounding the hotel

As can be seen on the groundplan there is a nice park behind the Emerald Forest Hotel, next to the banqueting section. The park covers 50 hectares or 123,55 acres which is enough for a pleasant stroll during a meeting or after dinner.
The park is owned by the city and is opened to all but you are allowed to organize things there. Over the year it has been proven to be used by different groups, never leading to any problems for the hotel or its guests. From reviews of the hotel on TripAdvisor, we know that guests highly appreciate having a spacious park next to the hotel. The Bergman family has been using the park a few times a year to do some activities especially with banqueting guests. It is legal to do so, but as for any activity on grounds owned by the city, you should have a permit for any activity. So far the city has always given this, as the activities have been limited.
If you want to reconstruct the park or build things in the park, it will be much harder to get a permit. And, basic rule, anything done in the (public) park should be public, so open to all who are interested.

Park surrounding Emerald Forest Hotel

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