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Why fines?

In the game your team can get a fine, or even several fines. These fines can be given for different reasons. Your coach can tell you exactly why you have got a fine or (for that matter) a bonus. Not all of these fines are avoidable; some of them are the consequence of an unlucky situation, as they can be in reality. Any fine could be up to a maximum of € 75,000.
Fines can be given in year 0 (the strategic preparations) and year 1, 2, 3 and 4 where you make all your decisions.

Fines can be given for:

  • Game rules

For instance not filling in the obligations in the game in the right way: fill in failures, not making the deadline, uploading pictures the wrong way, problems with usernames and passwords, using copyrighted photos, making decisions in prices or costs which are not allowed etc.

  • Game content

In the Game you sometimes have to react as to questions asked by Christina, the board of directors or sometimes governmental organisations. If you fail in doing so or are too late, or for instance if asked for can not deliver your financial figures on a tax-control, you might get fined. Things that are forbidden in the real economy are also forbidden in the game, so they might lead to a fine. For instance, forming a price-bond with (too many) other teams are not allowed.

One of the other teams or organisations can accuse you. You also have the right to do so. Accusing a team leads to a lawsuit. Any team can ask a court to decide on issues. This can be another team or any organisation, and vice versa. In the Game the coaches will decide on this and ask experts of law to advise them. Keep in mind that accusing will cost you € 25,000 which, if you win the case, will have to be paid by the losing party. The verdict of the court can also mean that if you indictment was not validly you might have to pay the costs of the court, the costs of the accused party and get a fine for compensating your wrongdoing.

Influence of fines

Fines and bonuses will have direct effect on the profit of the year in which they are given. There is a special item on you operating review where they will be mentioned. So they will directly influence (for the good or the bad) the result of (only) this year. But as the results of any year lead to the total of the profit (or lose) accumulated after all of the years played, any figure on the operating review has an influence on your ranking and net profit. So do fines and bonusses. So fines can be seen directly in the results on tab results in your [[Team file].

File:Results profit 2018 02.jpg
Your hotel's Team File under the tab Results.

A bonus or fine will directly make your net profit go up or down.

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