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Info on staff of your hotel

Apart from the costs the staff brings, there is not much information on this item. This means you have some kind of freedom in finding your way to the hotel.

From the history the next figures on costs are available

  • staff costs fixed € 550,271
  • staff costs variable € 355,170

You can find these in Operating_review#Operating review costs.

You can no influence the fixed costs on staff, and the variable costs on staff will fluctuate due to the occupancy rate automatically.

What you can do is decide on just how many full-time persons you have, how many part-time, the departments they work in, their tasks etc. Of course in your decisions you can also give them extra rewards rewarding as this is one of the decisions to be made. Your hotel can change other things related to HRM for instance by investing as long as you explain this properly.

Number of staff

As said, there is not much information on this. But having € 550,271 fixed staff costs (not wages but costs) at let's say € 45,000 average costs per staff-member this would mean 12 or maybe 18 full time staff members. Or maybe 6 to 9 at a full time contract and another 12 to 18 at 0,5 contract.
The variable staff costs at € 355,170 reflect costs you make for cleaning, serving, check-in etc. If you have fewer guests you will have less consts on this element. An indication of the costs for a full time staff member here would be a bit lower. So at € 35,000 this could mean 10 to 11 staff. Assuming for instance that most of them work 0,6, this could mean (indication) 18 staff.

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