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→ Go! Category:Hotel info

What does the hotel look like?

To see what the hotel looks like, there are eight pages:
→ Go! Rooms | Reception | Restaurant | Outside hotel | Banqueting | Facilities | Park | Terrace

The excellent Hotel cost estimating guide 2020 of JN + A and HVS design gives you information on the cost of upgrading elements in the hotel. Check this guide to get a grip on costs of new investments. Feel free to use another guide, if that is more appropriate for your hotel. Do not get lost in too many details: rather thinks in hundreds and in thousands of euro's.

Photos of the reception

Have a look at the photo-show of the reception, this shows how it looked like at the moment when you took over the management.

Renovated rooms Emerald Forest Hotel

Videos playlist

Have a look at videos of the reception. These videos are mainly of the entrance linked to the reception and on the lobby.
To see all the videos related to this item, click on the video in the top right-hand corner on the three small bars. Then you will see all the videos in this playlist, and you can choose the ones you want to see.

Info on the reception

The reception is at the front side of the hotel and easy the access The main parking lot is right in front of the hotel and is directly at the side of the (public) street that is passing by the hotel. The reception is acceptable: not very modern in its equipment but everything works. The entire hotel is not really modern. The keys, for instance, are still the old real keys. There are no digital cards or multipurpose keys. This turns out to be very inconvenient.

From a logistics point of view, the reception is very awkward: the desk is right behind the opening doors, which brings in a lot of noise, pollution, wind, and dust. Apart from that the place where arriving guests have to stand is very small. If there are more arrivals at the same time (which happens every day) guests have to be asked to proceed and walk a few meters to the lobby behind the reception (ask you can imagine this is very unhandy).

Ground plan related to the reception

As can be seen on the ground plan, both the square meters are insufficient as well just like the location of the reception on the ground floor. On the ground plan, the arrow indicates the main entrance: this is the entrance meant for hotel guests and others. At the back of the hotel, there is also an entrance for suppliers. The banqueting section (see groundplan) has its own entrance, though many of these guests drive by this entrance and end up still using the reception. There is no standard reception facility at the banqueting rooms, so, if they are (all) occupied a mobile one is set up at the banqueting room entrance.

Groundplan Emerald Forest Hotel - section A restaurant, rooms and reception.

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