Free images

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The Commons, Creative commons

Some images - sounds - video's e.g. are published under Creative Commons (choice of the right-owners) or have fallen into in the Commons (when the IP rights have expired or there is no IP right applicable). For those elements there are different regulations; often they are free to use, keeping some restrictions in mind. They have different rules than those of the IP.
More info on this:

There are enough sites with copyright free content based on the fore-mentioned two systems; free stock material e.g. Google even offers this search specification in Google image-search: use the tab Search Images - Tools - Usage Rights and then chose Labeled for reuse.

Flickr and many others sites offer free images (beware which one you chose):

Good suggestion: make pictures yourself. Or, when using material, make a serious (creative) change to existing material, then reusing it probably is allowed. Think logical, and you will prevent most problems. New regulations, like GDPR have influence as well. In the case of this training program, be aware, for instance, of whom you take pictures of or which one to use.

Regarding free sounds, music, and videos, the same structure. Free material for instance on:

Be aware, that as you put things 'out' real life, it is important that you really take copyright seriously, as you are responsible for this. Sometimes it is for free to use images, but only if you stick to the 'rules': give attributes e.g. There is special browser add-ons and Reverse image search tools that can track and trace the internet and social easily for miss-use (read unpaid use) of material. There is a number of legal firms only doing this; searching for IP-infringement, invoicing you and splitting the revenues with the right-owners.

Release and copyrights platform

If you are a participant in this management training, be sure to read the page disclaimer. Be sure when working on this game that whatever you post, you have the right to post that picture, photo, video or text without infringing anyone's copyrights. The website is actively monitored but as the entire game is an ongoing real-time process it is hard to oversee all of the changes in all of the media and all of the impacts. All postings are, for that matter, the individual responsibility of the editor of that specific piece of content. Keep in mind; this also goes for social media!
If, by any means, you ended up on this website and think that the content offends your rights in any way, please contact us and we will respond.

Details on content of the management training

If you are a participant in the EmeraldForestHotel gameplay or linked to one of the partners, you are granted a license to use all the material in this platform and the linked social media during the license duration. Just, regarding the use and new material, take the portrait rights of the people into account, and our privacy policy.

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Emerald Forest Hotel offering an emerald hotel experience! | Run your own hotel in this management simulation.