04LV Trade fair

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Trade Fair

You will be organizing a Trade Fair on Tuesday the 1th of October 14.30-16.00. A few important remarks.


The Trade Fair is to be held in the room which is communicated to you. Think of it as a fair, like the ITB Berlin, WTM in London or Dutch Tourism Expo.

A number of decisions have to be made BEFORE then. You can make some small changes afterwards. But you have to start the Trade Fair with:

  • a new name for your hotel, a slogan and a logo.
  • a basic strategy for your hotel on target markets and target groups.

So have the preparations part on your teampage ready! You have to have the biggest part of your teampage ready before the fair. Of course you can do some changes afterwards.

Have a look at what your colleagues did so far:

Trade Fair 2013 in Tallinn, Game 03EE
Trade Fair 2013 in Karlsruhe, Game 02DE
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The Trade Fair has five goals:

1. Presenting your new hotel
Who are the visitors? At this fair you will have to present your company to the press, to the general public, to your competitors and just anyone else visiting the fair.

2. Competition
The Fair is THE most important opportunity to have a look at the competition and/or pick up ideas. So split up your team and take notice of all your competitors. You need this information for your teampage!

3. Adjusting your strategy
Important is to get a good impression on the plans of all other teams, so you can adjust your strategy to this.

4. Creativity
As there is a Competition on creativity: you performance at the Trade Fair by presenting yourself in a consistent and creative way contributes to this creativity mark.

5. Competition analysis
The Trade Fair is one also contributing to your evaluation in the assignment you have to make in this game.. So, the Fair is a very important start of the game! So please work on a good plan for this. There is a link between what you do at the Trade Fair and the assignment you have to hand in later on. Be sure, again, to divide your tasks so to have all ready at the deadline.

Have a look at the pictures to see just what your colleagues have done before.

The coaches will be visiting the fair, as well as other staff. They will evaluate your performance and this will be the first thing of influence on your marks for the game. Always keep your booth occupied, but have one (or two) checking out the competition and collecting information for your Strategic_Analysis!

Present your hotel to the public in a Trade Fair booth

To do all this properly your teampage should we ready on Monday 16.00, as planned!
Further Instructions and Recommendations

  • the Trade Fair will open at 14:30 and close at 16:00 sharp! Preparing in the room will be possible from 13.30
  • teams will be provided with one table each: organize all others materials yourselves.
  • each teams has a predetermined spot: so use this spot with your teamnumber on the table.
  • please do not damage walls, floors and windows when installing your booth (no nails, etc.)
  • remember to appropriately respect the physical, audio and visual space of other teams (no loud music, etc.)
  • do not block emergency exits or use highly flammable materials
  • use different forms media (flipcharts, dress, screens, loudspeakers, objects) to attract potential customers, stir competitors, and impress anybody else passing by
  • at least two members of your team should always be present and attending your booth
  • a jury will evaluate both the creativity and consistency of your booth
  • keep in mind that there is a strong link to the assignment. Split up the tasks and be sure to work on this assignment as well!

After the Trade Fair

  • pack up all your materials and equipment, as well as clean the space of your booth when the fair is over
  • Be sure to work on the assignment during and after the Trade Fair!
  • Check if your hotels' strategy is in need for a small change after what you have seen on the Trade Fair.

Conserve interesting things

As we keep track of all games played in all countries we would appreciate it if you conserve some remarkable things from your booth and hand them over to the coaches. And maybe you want to keep them yourselves for example for the 3 minutes of fame on Sunday.

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