31NL Assignments and timeline

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→ Go! Game 31NL home | 31NL Assignments and timeline | 31NL All teams with logo

Organisation of the module

We strongly recommend all of you to be present at every scheduled moment. There are

  • city meetings per city, with your city coach, as well as
  • 'meet your team' sessions with your team only. These 'meet your team' time-slots are scheduled so that all members of the teams can expect everybody be present. If not, take action and contact your coach.
  • week evaluations with your city

Remember that you are entrepreneurs during all of the weeks. So keep your social media, website, and activities alive. So apart from your assignments, you can always work on these kind of elements.
There is no 'exam' in week 6 of this block: so the next weeks are crucial to your grade for this module. The work you will have to do in these weeks. So start now, delaying of tasks is not possible, and this week, as well as week 3, is 'short' due to public holidays. So what to do first? Take it step by step.

To be done in week 21 (deadline: Monday 25 May at 12.00 noon)

Schedule for this week:
> Courses
> City meeting (see schedule)
> Meet your team (see schedule)
> Seminar Financial management 1 (or in week 22): check your schedule. This is separate from your coach and city (so not on this platform). The content is linked.
> Consultancy hour per city (see schedule): use this session for questions, suggestions, help etc.
It is essential that all of the team members are present at all of the meetings. Just like when you have a real job: it has consequences if you just not show-up.
During all of the week-weekend: a company doesn't close at certain hours: keep the communication on your hotel 'alive'

* Step 1: Kick-off
Visit the central kick-off online with all the other management teams: you will get instructions from the owners Christina Bergman or CEO Jill Jandal. And there will be general information on the hospitality industry.

You will receive information regarding your Team and the Game:

  • The team members with whom you will be the management of the hotel: you have had the preliminary team compilation.
  • All of the team members need to be in
  • The team number of your hotel. This will look like 31NL-A01
  • Your Game is the 31st Game in Breda, BUas the Netherlands so 31NL
  • Your hotel, in this example, is located in the fictitious city of Amstelburg, therefor the letter A. The letter B stands for the city of Budano etc. All cities are located in the Netherlands
  • Your hotel in this example is hotel number 01 out of approx. ten hotels in your city, which are your competitors

* Step 2: City meeting. Check time slot of your City in your schedule and visit MS Teams
It might be shortly after the kick-off. If you have time, check the other tasks of this week. In this session you meet your coach, ask questions, have a look at the assignments of this week etc. Very bad idea to miss out on this. In this session you will get your secret link to your Team File and will know which channel 'belongs' to your Management Team. So you can 'go' to your own channel afterwards, and make arrangements within your team.

Team File
As a team you will work in a shared documents, a spread sheet. With this link, you'll have access only to your hotels' so-called Team file: the most important file. This is the document in which you present your assignments, the plans you have with your hotel. And you'll find your results in there, each round. The secret link will look like ''''https://goo.gl/L4cABC'''' and is case sensitive.
To get an idea on what a completed Team File might look like, you can check:

Demo Team File of a finished Game

This gives you an impression what a complete Team File, after the preparations and a number of years, with results and comments could look like. By no means is this the perfect team: it is just any team so don't take this as a fantastic example! Each Game is a bit different: yours holds 4 rounds: a preparation round and three consecutive years.

Keep this link private and secret! Inside this Team file (for your eyes only), you will work on:

  • All of your assignments

And you will find per round:

  • The revenues of your hotel
  • The profit of your hotel
  • The ranking of your hotel on entrepreneurship
  • Your ranking of your hotel on creativity
  • Bonuses and fines, when applicable
  • A few remarks from your coach

You coach will have access to your team File all of the time. A few things on working in this Team Sheet

  • Please use Chrome as your browser (will work the best, both owned by Google)
  • Handy if you are logged in in Google (YouTube, G-mail): you get a few more options
  • It is real-time, with a small delay. Last edit counts: so agree who will do the final, last editing (mind the deadlines)
  • Work online only: downloading, converting to Excel etc. will always give some small issues
  • You have edit rights in a number of cells, only the yellow cells: follow instructions, do not change tabs, don't make new tabs etc.
  • Many cells have a small triangle top right hand: on mouse over this will give additional information on the subject
  • You are now allowed to change things after the deadline, or in any year passed
  • Handy to install the extension "Editor for Docs, Sheets & Slides", available via https://bit.ly/2wcXv7m. This extension is needed for copying / pasting information between Google files.

* Step 3: Meet with your team members
Plan meetings with your team in your own channel, linked to the MS Team of your city. In your schedule there is also time reserved for this: Meet you Team.This is unsupervised. Make preparations and plans for who is going to do what. We understand is a bit more troublesome in this Corona time frame, but still. We know MS Teams can do wonders, apart from your own, other back-channels like WhatsApp, Google hangouts or Facebook live. Managing a hotel is having your team and hotel well organised. So try to work together on a professional basis, but do keep everybody to his/her tasks. If a person doesn't perform as required act immediately! You need to set-up a team-contract in your Team file.

* Step 4: Study Introduction to Hotel
Study the Introduction to Hotel: here you will find the ten pages you need to read on the hotel, the history and the situation as you take over.

* Step 5: Study Introduction Game play
Study the Introduction Game play: here you will find the ten pages you need to read on what you can do as new management team.

More information
After this, during the game you can find much more info in:

  • In the main menu you can see your Game 31NL, with its own homepage and information. Don't bother about other Games.
  • Hotel Info pages. Always in the menu available gives detailed information on the real hotel.
  • Clicking Game play info will show you information on how to handle your hotel in this simulation. Always in the menu available and is on the Game play.
  • Clicking Help will show more information on photos and videos of the hotel and links to the social media accounts of Emerald Forest Hotel e.g.

* Step 6: Join the Facebook and WhatsApp group
Go to Facebook group 31NL and request to join the group. You can join with a FB hotel page or a personal account (one per team will do). This is a private group and will not influence your time line. Out of each team, we suggest, as well, one member to represent the team in a WhatsApp group. This is the first line of additional help during the game.
Please choose one mobile number representing your Team in the Game: fill this number out in your Team File. And send an app from this mobile to Game Support 31NL 06-19337649 with just your Team number: so A01 or C10. Nothing else. You will be added to the group then.

* Step 7: Check Preparation part in your Team File
Use info on what to do from the page Preparation and check the page Team file on this platform to see what your Team File is and does. Then have a look at your own Team File. All team members can log in using this link: multiple users at the same time is no problem. Your team will work in this file and also find results in here after each year. After reading, discuss your strategic plans with regard to the hotel and come to a conclusion.

* Step 8: Consultancy hour: check time slot of your City in your schedule and visit MS Teams
This is the time to ask questions about all the tasks linked to week 21. It is a short week, so make sure to are on track.

Deadline Monday 25 May at 12.00 noon, round 'Preparations'

The next two assignments will be assessed, and are crucial. Click for details:
> Assignment 1.0 on entrepreneurship
> Assignment 2.0 on creativity
Too late or incomplete will bring your hotel in problems and result in a low mark.

To be done in week 22, Year 1:

  • City meeting
  • Meet your your team (see schedule)
  • Seminar Financial management 1 or week 21

Deadline Friday 29 May at 14.00 PM, Year 1

The next two assignments will be assessed, and are crucial. Click for details:
> Assignment 1.1 on entrepreneurship
> Assignment 2.1 on creativity
Too late or incomplete will bring your hotel in problems and result in a low mark.

To be done in week 23, Year 2:

  • City meeting
  • Meet your your team (see schedule)
  • Seminar Financial management 2 or week 24

Deadline Friday 5 June at 14.00 PM, Year 2

The next two assignments will be assessed, and are crucial. Click for details:
> Assignment 1.2 on entrepreneurship
> Assignment 2.2 on creativity
Too late or incomplete will bring your hotel in problems and result in a low mark.

To be done in week 24, Year 3:

  • City meeting
  • Meet your your team (see schedule)
  • Seminar Financial management 2 or week 23
  • Three minutes of fame, Thursday 11 June (see schedule).

Deadline Friday 12 June at 14.00 PM, Year 3

The next two assignments will be assessed, and are crucial. Click for details:
> Assignment 1.3 on entrepreneurship
> Assignment 2.3 on creativity
Too late or incomplete will bring your hotel in problems and result in a low mark.

To be done in week 25

  • Final Ceremony Tuesday the 18th of June (see schedule)
  • Consultation Financial Management
  • City meeting

Deadline Thursday 18 at 14.00

> Hand in Financial assignment. Check exact rules of this separate assignment

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Emerald Forest Hotel offering an emerald hotel experience! | Run your own hotel in this management simulation.