42NL Year 5 Business assignment

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Name of assignment

Analysing reviews in hotel-hospitality industry. You will analyse a number of reviews from Review sites of your choice, to get an idea on how, in general, the audiences talk about hospitality.


The CEO Jill Jandal is well aware of the impact reviews have on (potential) customers. At this moment, she doesn't has a clear view on how to get a grip on this and get insights from posted reviews. She ask you to help her out a make a comprehensive report on reviews related to hospitality in general, in the Netherlands


Creating a report that gives insight in some kind of benchmarks of reviews and reviewsites, which can be used in the marketing and communication of your hotel. Also make sure that you have some kind of categorisation of the type of reviews. Also have a look at fake reviews.

Task, deliverable

Make a short overview of 2-A4 of the situation you have found considering reviews of hotels in the Netherlands on a minimum of 3 review platforms. Explain which insight this brought to you. And explain how this could be used in the marketing communication of your hotel.

Assessed elements

  • Does the report give conclusions that can be used in marketing-communication?
  • Does the report show insights in the different types of reviews?
  • Are the conclusions, drawn from the reviews, correct and concrete?
  • Are all the sources accounted for?

Handing in

When the coaches visit your presentation of he new decoration of the rooms, you hand them over a printed version (2-A4) of your review analysis

Additional information

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